- What floor plans do Los Prados Apartments apartments offer?
- We have One Bedroom and Two Bedroom apartments. Click here to view our plans.
- What are the starting prices on One Bedroom apartments?
- Our One Bedroom Starts at $1,872
- What are the starting prices on Two Bedroom apartments?
- Our Two Bedroom Starts at $2,414
- Is Los Prados Apartments a pet-friendly community?
- Yes! Los Prados Apartments is a pet-friendly community. View our pet-policy here.
- What kind of pets do you allow? Do you permit exotic pets?
- Dogs & Cats. No.
- How many pets may I have?
- 2.
- Are there any deposits, special fees, or monthly charges to have a pet?
- A one-time pet fee is required. $400 for one pet, $600 for two pets. There is a monthly charge of $20 per month, per pet.
- Is my security deposit totally refundable?
- Yes, less any damages.
- If I get a job transfer, can I break the lease?
- Yes, fees and notice requirements apply.
- What utilities are included in my lease?
- Water, sewer and trash.
- How long is the term of the lease?
- 12 months.
- Do you accept leases for short terms?
- Yes, 7 & 9 month lease terms are available.
- If something needs to be repaired in my apartment, how do I report it?
- By calling the management office or sending an email.
- When is my rent payment due?
- Rent is due on the 1st of the month.
- What day of the month am I liable for a late charge?
- Late charges are assessed on the 4th.
- Will you accept electronic payments from my bank?
- Yes.
- Is there a place where I can pay my rent after office hours?
- Payments can be made online.
- There is a person who might be staying with me for a while, is that permitted by the lease?
- Guests are allowed to stay up to 14 consecutive days with written permission from Management.
- Do you have reserved parking?
- No.
- I have a motorcycle, where can I park it?
- In a parking space.
- My children live with me in the summer; do I need to notify your office when they arrive?
- Yes.
- Can I install my satellite dish at my apartment?
- Yes, but it can only be mounted on a tripod in the balcony. It is not allowed on any surfaces of the apartment exterior.
- Do you have cable services?
- No.
- Will you accept my delivery packages for me?
- No. Your packages will be delivered to your front door.
- Do you have a list of Preferred Employers?
- Yes.
- Where do I register to Vote?
- Plantation Central Park Rec. Bldg/ 9151 NW 2nd St, Plantation, FL 33324.
- How is your property different from the competition?
- 1) 1800 Sq ft 24-Hour Gym
2) Basketball Court
3) Outdoor Kitchen